--What are LimPacks?--

LimPacks are a collection of liminal style images that are released under CC BY-SA 3.0 *unless otherwise stated* for authors to use as a free resource for images when writing about the backrooms, or for fans of liminal spaces to look at a cool collection of free liminal-esque pictures!

Download here!


--How do LimPacks work?--

LimPacks are images that are released under a license which allows anyone to use them for free in their works with proper credit. The way this works is that all users who agree to have their works added to the LimPack release their content under that license which then allows me to add it to the LimPack.

--These LimPack images don't feel liminal to me. What should I do?--

To make it more accesible to everyone to use in the way they want, I've left all of these images unedited. Editing these pictures and chaninging properties such as brightness and saturation and adding noise to the image/reducing image quality may help it feel more liminal.

--When is LimPack Volume Two coming out?--

LimPack Volume Two is going to bigger than Volume One, so it may take longer to come out. Expect it early 2022.

--What's next for LimPacks?--

First of all, I'll be adding more LimPacks to the site over time. I'll also be adding more stuff to the site itself like an image gallery, a how-to on photographing liminal spaces, and a nicer stylized website. These site updates will happen gradually.


website created by zaskou